About Us

After consulting with VODA, the North Shields Fishermen’s Heritage Project was established in 2015 by Terry McDermott and Henry Howard,  the aim was to raise funds to commission a statue to remember the men who fished from North Shields and those who lost their lives. Known as ‘The Fisherman’, he now sits proudly looking out to sea from the site known as Fiddlers Green on the banks of the Tyne at North Shields. The statue is not only a memorial to North Shields fishermen but a work of art, built by local artist Ray Lonsdale, visited by thousands of tourists from around the world. A hand carved bench was also commissioned and is situated beside ‘The Fisherman’ on Fiddlers Green.

After the huge success of this project, the NSFHP continued to fundraise to commission a handmade book of remembrance to record the names of the men who fished from North Shields. Each entry is handwritten by Tim Sokell, Sue Hufton and the late Susan Moor recording the name, date, and place of passing of each local fisherman. It is hoped that this book will become a historical document, used for research by individuals and school children for generations to come. The book is now on permanent display in North Shields Central Library.

Alongside these projects we have also developed a program taking local school children to Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre to teach them about the fishing industry and how it relates to their own local heritage. These trips are fully funded by NSFHP and our supporters.

Our latest project, ‘The Herring Girl’, is now complete and has now been installed on the Western Quay here in North Shields. This is a life size statue of a herring girl sitting on a barrel, again built by Ray Lonsdale, to commemorate the women who worked in North Shield’s fishing industry.

It has been a pleasure to deal with NSFHP who from the outset, shared my motivation for the projects to help pupils to make such a meaningful connection to the heritage of their local area. Their association with the project and the depth of knowledge they brought forth, will hopefully form a template for a continued relationship with both schools and beyond.

NSFHP are authentic, committed and proud and it was a pleasure to work with them. 

Bryan Dixon

Director, Amber Film & Photography Collective

‘The Mystery of the Ethelwulf project. The project focused on the local fishing industry as a key occupation during WW1 and told the story of the disappearance on the Ethelwulf a North Shields Fishing Steam Trawler. The participants on the project were all young people with additional needs

The involvement of the North Shields Fishermen’s Heritage project enhanced the experience of the participants on the project.

Jo Woolley

Social Action Worker , North Tyneside Voluntary Organisations Development Agency

North Shields Fishermen's Heritage Project,
The Market Office, Fish Quay,
North Shields.
NE30 1JA

Registered Charity Number 1197252